Friday, August 27, 2010

Ranty McRanterson

Amazing really how much I can rant about the people that drive on the roads today. looking back at old blog posts, I've basically ranted about everyone that drives on the road today.

But does it stop there? Not at all. Monday night, or was it Sunday night can't remember. Anyways, I was the tail driver in a group, with two fairly new hires, and obviously a lead in front of me. Now the lead i know well, hits 70 on the freeway, then turns on the cruise. well my cruise never was on the entire night. and I'm not sure which speed I was doing more, 65 or 75. Already not sounding good right? well. were also supposed to keep a 4 second gap, which isn't exactly small, but the 2nd driver let a semi in because of the gap they had. the person would NOT go 70. would not speed up to go on a freeway (like at one point we were on an on ramp doing about 45, at the same point normally I'd be doing at least 60). Now when that 2nd driver wasn't doing so bad, the 3rd driver, well was. annoyingly enough. By the end of that night I wanted to shoot myself, and at one point even though about going from tail to the 2nd driver. (yeah as in I pass both of them). Now what really kills me about that 2nd driver is my lead that day told them that they were on cruise at 70. the 2nd driver had said that they didn't set it up before they left...

...I'm trying to not blow up here, but seriously? last I checked to make cruise control work. you pressed the on button then press the set button. is that really that hard?

Now another rant I have is bikers. today was a fairly nice day out, got a little cold at night but nothing bad. At one point I had my window open, and two bikes went past me on a 4 lane road going the other way. I'm amazed my ears weren't bleeding after they passed me. (and for those that think, oh its not that bad, it was like a Harley, in a tunnel... but louder). Then later I had a bike BLOW by me (it was a crotch rocket) no idea how fast he was going, but I was doing 55. he must of been at least going 80. I should note that there was a car in that lane when he blew by us, but the car was far enough up he basically cut my lead off and kept on blasting ahead. I do wonder if a cop got him because he wasn't just cooking, he was burning. But I have noticed that a lot of bikers seem to go faster then cars. now being a little louder I can understand, but they have to obey the same speed limits cars have to obey so I don't see why they are going faster. or is there something here I'm completely missing.

Also I went to the Woodward Dream Cruise this past weekend. it was pretty good, didn't seem quite as packed as previous years. (but now they are spreading it out over like two or 3 days I think as well).

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