Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Long Time... No Post

Was it laziness or was it forgetfulness.... I forget now. Life has been busy lately for me. My oldest sister got her first house, and I've been helping on cleaning the place up getting it ready for her and her husband and daughter into very soon. Work has also been keeping me busy, between to two really I feel like I've had very little personal time.

and first of all I got to get some ranting off, to blow out the steam thats been building inside of me. STUPID F#@%!#@ PEOPLE ON THE ROAD. Just today nearly had an accident because a guy just started moving over. blinker? nope. did he look? didn't seem him move his head until I honked at him. Should I have slammed on my brakes for him? No i should of let him hit me, he had a pos Ranger I was in something that was worth about 10x what he was driving. He wouldn't of been able to pin it on me because he never signaled. On top of that I later had to deal with RUSH HOUR traffic. no longer do I think the I-275 and I-96 merge is bad. now I know whats worse. Haggerty Rd up by Pontiac Trail (believe its in Commerce). They are freakin crazy up there, if only I had a nickel for every car I just saw pull out of a dam driveway. I looked at the front of my vehicle and there thankfully wasn't a hit me sign on it. Thought it felt like there was.

Last Night (as in Sunday night, I forget I'm posting this on what is technically Tuesday morning). We got stuck behind a Sprinter van not going the speed limit (at some other location) and then this minivan with the flashers on passes us. so we go to pass the van, and they slow down, ends up being a blazer (or something like that) that was slowing the minivan down. I get about halfway to passing him, and he takes off like a bat out of h#!!. Then the minivan passes us again. -_- k seriously?

Oh I'm not even done yet. probably a month ago. I had a guy cut in front of me. and i might of had a car length between me and the car in front of me (I did it on purpose as to not allow that person to get in front of me). guy still cuts right IN THERE. I should of blared my horn at him for being not just a complete moron, but also a complete and uder a$$#@!#.

(Rip from the Budweiser radio ads) (Chorus sarcastically "Real Men of Genius.") Here's to you Mr. attempted multitasking driver. You so gracefully float between lanes nearly causes accidents, with full horns blaring behind you.(Chorus "Mr. attempted multitasking driver") While talking on the phone... and texting.... and shaving... and eating breakfast. (Chorus again "Oh your car is going to be wrecked")

In other news. Progress on all my 3d models has been minimal at best. I did pull out my parents old lawnmower and got it running, not well but its running. and it took me about 4 hours (this is including rather frequent breaks) which is probably about 3 hours longer then it took to do the same backyard with the good mower. The problem is, it hits any amount of grass and it bogs down so my thought is tighten up the governer spring. (could the problem really be that easy though?). the carb could probably be rebuilt again. as the mixture screw has as far as i can tell no jurisdiction on how much fuel that engine gets. Only thing that seems better about that mower then i recall is, its starting in 1 pull just about everytime, not too shabby for a 1983 Briggs and Straton that mowed a lot and half for probably about 10 years. and mowed a much smaller lawn for another 10 years until being rebuilt and put away. I do seem to remember running it before i put it away and I seem to remember it chugging black smoke when it hit just a little grass. never did that now though... there were a couple times where it started chugging out blue smoke so I shut it down and let it cool off. (and proceeded to say "UGH").

I can also tell the engine has no power because its barely chucking grass into the bag, and when it does it doesn't chuck too much into it before it overloads the mower (and the bag won't be very full).

Anyways I need to sleep now.

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